Stretching for Climbing.  Course at the University of Castilla la Mancha. Toledo. Spain. 2018. 

For the students of Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity and Sport. 

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<img src="course-college-stretch-muscles-fascia.jpg" alt="release-muscles"
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Clinic Stretching for Climbing at the Ibiza Vertical Climbing Wall. Balearic Islands. 2019.

<img src="aumenta-fuerza-escalada-estiramientos.jpg" alt="libro"
<img src="clinic-stretching-ibiza-spain.jpg" alt="Book"

Presentation of Stretching for Climbing at the Foundation Center of the Savings Bank of La Inmaculada. Teruel. Spain. 2017. 

<img src="conferencia-teruel-estiramientos-escalada.jpg" alt="libro"

Training Presentation of Stretching for Climbing in the Gym Ludus Mallorca.  Balearic Islands. 2017. 

<img src="mallorca-stretching-workout.jpg" alt="Clinic"

 Stretching for Climbing. Free sessions after climbing. Smith Rocks. May.  2023.

Clinic Stretching for Climbing & Free Consulting Injuries. Festival International Climbers Festival. Lander. July. 2023. 

<img src="Stretching-for-Climbing-Book.jpg" alt="Stretchings"